全国服务热线 (0532)
高级釉料工程师招聘 - 科勒(中国)投资有限公司
Organize and coordinate with all functions to improve product and surface quality, and improve total plant yield. Prepare working and technical procedures on glaze processing. Coach and supervise implementation of the procedure. Responsible for approval of glaze usage and effective implementation of production plan.

? 试釉料水箱检查和釉料批准。
Inspect tanks with trial usage of glaze, and approve usage of the glaze.
? 生产釉料色差的调整和控制,确保投入生产的釉料色差合格。
Adjust and control color difference of glaze, and make sure the difference meets standard before put to mass production.
? 釉料高温流动的调整和控制。
Adjust and monitor flow of glaze under high temperature.
? 釉料斑点和毛孔合格后才能进行投入生产,确保产品的质量。
Put glaze to production after glaze iron and pitting meets standard.
? 检查釉料每天的库存量,确保生产顺利进行。
Check stock of glaze every day and ensure smooth production.
? 根据供应链生产计划,及时准确生产杂色釉料。
Based on production plan from supply chain, prepare variegated colors of glaze on time.
? 了解公司内部客户的反馈信息,及时推行改进活动。
Find out feedback from end users in the plant and promote improvement activity.
? 根据市场要求,不断开发和研究适合市场要求的产品。
Develop and research products that meet market demand.
? 对自己的安全行为/安全绩效负责。
Resposible to safety behavior/ safety performance for self.
? 协助本部门日常环境管理工作,确保区域工作生产活动符合相关的环境政策及公司的环境规定。
Assist to conduct management work of daily environment, and make sure the daily activity matchs up to relative policy and regulation.
? 协助本部门的员工培训及沟通。
Assist to communicate with employees training and communication.
? 协助研制室能源管理体系正常运行。
Assist the operation of Lab energy management system.
? 执行公司的安全、质量、环境管理方针, 实现公司安全、质量、环境等目标。
Responsible implementing safety, quality, environment management policy and achieve company EHS goals.
? 推动安全、质量及环境管理手册和程序文件在运作部门的执行实施。
Follow and implement all safety, quality and environment handbook and procedure document in operation department.
? 负责新建及改扩建的项目安全环保 “三同时”审批。
Responsible for ensuring EHS facilities/equipment’s design, construction, acceptance check at the same time for new project and expansion project main equipments/facilities.
? 指导员工遵守公司的安全规定,正确佩戴PPE,执行安全操作。
Guide subordinates to follow company’s EHS rules, SOPs, PPE requirement.
? 安排员工参加安全学习,安全培训。
Arrange workers to attend EHS lesson learning and EHS training.
? 积极汇报事故或安全隐患。
Report accident or potential safety issues timely.
? 制止或汇报不安全行为。
Stop or report unsafe behavior.

? 对产品色差大,因釉料造成的斑点和毛孔的质量问题所产生重大经济损失的责任负责。
Accountable for severe impact on costing due to serious iron or pitting.
? 对因釉料原因,造成供应链部生产计划未完成负责。
Accountable for not meeting production plan by supply chain department because of glaze issue.
? 对釉料加工员工培训不到位,致使员工操作失误负责。
Accountable for wrong operation due to inproper training for glaze processing workers.
? 对因发错釉料造成质量事故负责。
Accountable for quality accidents caused by wrong delivery of glaze.
? 对所管区域的安全行为和绩效负责。
Responsible for safety behavior and performance in the area.
? 对执行本部门的环境目标及指标的达成负责。
Responsible for implementing department environment goals and targets.
? 对执行本部门环境工作程序负责。
Responsible for implementing department environment SOP.
? 协助本区域的环境因素的识别及沟通。
Assist to identify the environment factor in the area.
Education required:
? 大专及以上,理工科,硅酸盐专业和无机非金属材料优先。
College or above, major in silicate and Inorganic non-metallic materials.

Experience required:
? 有五年相关卫生陶瓷经验,或八年以上陶瓷工作经验。
5 years relative sanitary ware working experience, or 8 years above prottery working experience.

Equipment used:
? 熟悉电脑操作 。
Familiar with computer operation.

Knowledge/skill required:
? 熟悉相关的卫生陶瓷生产工艺流程。
Familiar with relative sanitary ware manufacturing process.
? 掌握陶瓷原材料性能。
Master the performance of prottery raw materials.
? 知道测试设备的操作方法。
Know the operation method of testing equipment.
? 具备基础的统计知识。
Have the basic Stat. knowledge.
? 英文读写及简单英文口语交流。
Good reading and writing English and basic oral English.

Competencies required:
? 良好的沟通能力。
Good communication ability.
? 一定的口头表达能力。
Have the skill of oral presentation.


  • 地址:青岛 上海市静安区市北工业园区江场三路158号
  • 邮编:200436
  • 电话:(0532)
  • 联系人:未提供
  • 传真:86-0532-88917012
  • Email:jane.xu@kohler.com.cn